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BIB LIFE Academy
$399.00 - $599.00
Bring your Team of 2-3 and get Equipped Together
Online training includes
- 90-minute virtual workshop each week
- Exercises and fieldwork on your own time
- Personal Coach/Shepherd to guide you through
- Fellowship with like-minded Believers in Business
Online training includes
- 90-minute virtual workshop each week
- Exercises and fieldwork on your own time
- Personal Coach/Shepherd to guide you through
- Fellowship with like-minded Believers in Business
Coming soon
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Believer in Business
for LIFE Fellowship
Leadership, Innovation, Faith & Entrepreneurship
Equipping Believers in business to live the abundant life through entrepreneurship
3 Ways to Do LIFE with us!
Coaching, Groups & the Academy
AllDisciplined LearnersBiz Reset CoursesThe BiBlog
Overservations, Insights, glimpses of the Out of Sight
14 de mayo de 2021The fact that this question even piqued your interest is because there's been a divine deposit inside you. You have a calling to create! Like most of us Believers in Business (BIB) you are not sure why and likely not sure what business to start. You just feel certain that you need to start...29 de abril de 2021“Americans are starting businesses at the fastest rate in more than a decade. By September of 2020, applications for the employer identification numbers (EIN) had surpassed 3.2 million for the year, up more than 500,000 compared to the year before.” Many of these ‘want-trepreneurs' are in for...19 de marzo de 2021Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you...