We discussed in an earlier BIBblog, “Why We Earn”. We learned that a good person leaves an inheritance to his/her grandchildren. This gives new focus to what we strive for today as we give more than half of our waking hours to some form of work. None of the would-be prophets of “get rich quick” schemes are helpful to this long term vision of producing transgenerational wealth. What might be a formula to follow that leaves an inheritance to one’s grandchildren and then perpetuates the next generation’s wealth into perpetuity?
First, let’s clarify what inheritances we should envision. While this discussion will center on inheritances of financial capital, there are of course other capitals that we ought to strive to pass on to our posterity. First and foremost is the spiritual capital that is measured in wisdom and power from the Creator. We must pass on to our children the submission to King Jesus, genuine faith, and the practices of spiritual disciplines that enable us to appropriate His wisdom and power. It is unconscionable to imagine a generation attempting to live “the abundant life” without Christ and His instruction. If nothing else, we must pass this spiritual capital.
The other forms of capital acquisition and transfer are facilitated in the LE$$ model of getting more inheritance.
Learn! Give your children the best possible education you can give them. Even if it requires more of your financial capital to do so. Be your children’s headmaster, and partner with their school and teachers to make sure that are increasing their intellectual capital. Make sure they are not only being told what to think, but they are learning how to think. There is a direct correlation between how much schooling we have and our lifetime earnings. While conventional degree programs are not the best path for everyone, increasing the amounts and depths of intellectual capital is essential to affording them a means to earn. In fact, in today’s economy, trade schools, certificate, and apprenticeship programs are often a shorter path to a good job and higher pay, than the typical 4-year degree paths. Give them the inheritance of a disciplined learner.
Earn! Work and get paid! It sounds obvious, but earning is how we sow our physical capital of time and energy in exchange for financial capital. The sooner a child begins earning, the deeper their learning of the biblical principle of sowing and reaping. Your time is precious and limited. Are you investing enough of it into earning? We might even challenge the practice of giving allowance [a privilege for being in the family] and advise giving them wages [earnings from one’s labor]. Strive to give them the inheritance of a biblical work ethic.
$ave! What should we do with the capital that we obtained from our labor? Should we eat it all, spend it all on today’s needs and desires? The Lord teaches us to be good stewards, to invest what we get, and double it like two of the servants in the parable of the talents. Establishing the discipline of putting away a regular portion of one’s earning will position them for the long-term compounding of capital. Teach them the paradigm that they mustn’t only work for money, but money must work for them. Put your money to work while you do something else. This takes us back to step one, they must learn how to save and invest. Their capital won’t grow if they bury it in the ground like the 3rd servant, or even if they put it in a common bank savings account. All your money should be invested for at least an 8-10% return. Give them the inheritance of biblical stewardship.
$hare the blessings. The Lords loves a generous, prompt, and cheerful giver. While giving to the Lord and others is founded upon a heart of selflessness, it does accrue returns and rewards to your account. I’m not sure if it works if you are giving only for the return, or for the recognition. Yet, I am confident that it works to your favor. It’s a principle of God’s economy. It accrues relational capital to your account.
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38 NIV
It just works! And so does tithing. Give to the Lord first, and He will protect and stretch the rest. Give them the inheritance of generosity it will fuel their transgenerational wealth.

Getting more inheritance is simple and assured with L E $ $. It’s not too late for you and yours to apply this model to your life. Many of us have been too busy striving to make it in this life to prepare for the generations to come. Even if you don’t have children of your own, who of God’s children should you be positioning for this inheritance. You can't take it with you!
So, please begin to get more with LE$$!
And in all your getting, get understanding!
Learn more about Biblical Economics at Rod&Staff Enterprises or
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Author, Rodney D. Swope is an ordained marketplaceminister, Biblical Justice advocate, and Professor of Economics and Business at Indiana Wesleyan and the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash. He serves as Chair of the Biblical Justice Team at Peoples Church Cincinnati and as Chief Servant at the Believers in Business LIFE Academy. See more at Rod&StaffEnterprises.