Everybody wants to be an entrepreneur these days. Kaufmann reports that over 550,000 are started every month. While in reality, 90% will fail, while some will overcome and establish a thriving enterprise.
How should Believers in Business (BIB) approach this challenge?
- Is it enough to pray and tithe and therefore expect God to bless your business?
- Will naming it with some biblical reference and committing to being fair and honest ensure your success?
- What knowledge and skills are needed and where can you learn them?
What Would Jesus Do (WWJD)?
The BIB has a distinct advantage as a Christ-follower when we follow the model of the most successful startup founder in history- Jesus Christ!
What did Jesus do? His Father was the first entrepreneur. He created the universe for our sakes. He is the creator who made us in His image that we too would create for the sake of others. This is what the most successful entrepreneurs do. They create value for others. Like Jesus, they do what they do with great sacrifice, but they needn’t give their lives for it because he already made that ultimate sacrifice so that we don’t have to.
Jesus’ Big Idea
Jesus believed that he could launch an education and training enterprise that would enable people to live better and everlasting lives. Yea, it sounds like a crazy idea, but he pulled it off!
The company that he started has grown, prospered, and changed the lives of billions of people for over 2000 years. He trained twelve employees for three years who went on to so influence the world that time itself is now recorded as being before (BC) or after (AD) his earthly existence. He worked with a staff that was totally human and not divine… a staff that in spite of illiteracy, questionable backgrounds, fractious feelings, and momentary cowardice went on to accomplish the company’s mission- spread the word, and teach the world in an everlasting way of life.
Just before he ended his hands-on training with them, he launched an app that could be downloaded wirelessly. The app (“The Comforter”) provides instant guidance and enables the user to know right from wrong.
The start-up they founded went on to have best-selling and most-read books every year and of all time. The company grew to become an international and global success with real estate, intellectual property, books, music and media sales, schools, universities, with an infinite array of products and services utilized everywhere, every day, and around the clock. If all the Christian owned real estate, and intellectual property was accumulated on a single corporate balance sheet, it would be bigger than Apple, Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and Walmart combined. It has a membership organization of 2.2 Billion that is growing every day and a world-wide army of volunteers.
The company’s mission:
Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20 Message
How to Join?
Members can join and gain full access to all content, apps, and 1:1 access to the founder by orally agreeing to follow Him and accept Him as their teacher.
The Good News!
Your subscription to everlasting, lifelong membership has already been paid for in full!
Say the welcoming word to God—“Jesus is my Master”—embracing, body and soul, God’s work of doing in us what he did in raising Jesus from the dead. That’s it. You’re not “doing” anything; you’re simply calling out to God, trusting him to do it for you. That’s salvation.
With your whole being, you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: “God has set everything right between him and me!”
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